
The Basics of Retirement Accounts

The basics of retirement

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the menu in a diner? 这本书有好几页都有,从早餐到晚餐,每天24小时都提供给你? Retirement accounts aren’t all that different.  虽然每个人都知道(或者应该知道)为退休储蓄的重要性, the vast menu of retirement savings plans can be quite confusing. 再加上他们是如何工作的,你应该贡献多少,这些问题会让你头晕目眩.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Federal Reserve System data shows that a quarter of U.S. residents – some 26% of Americans -没有退休储蓄,44%的人认为他们的退休储蓄没有步入正轨.  对系统如何工作的困惑无疑是造成这种情况的部分原因.

Nonetheless, don’t panic. 我们已经列出了所有最常见的退休账户,包括401(k), 403(b)s, solo 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs — and how to use them.  It should be just what you need to get you moving in the right direction.

Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

401(k)(和类似的包括403(b)s的账户一样)是一个合格的雇主赞助的退休计划. If your employer does not offer a 401(k) or other sponsored plan, you should probably begin saving in a Roth IRA or traditional IRA (more on those in a sec).  但是如果你有一个雇主计划——特别是如果你的雇主提供匹配的贡献——这是最好的开始.

许多雇主提供匹配的捐款,最高可达你工资的一定比例. For instance, 如果你的雇主会将你的401(k)供款匹配到你工资的6%, you should aim to always contribute at least 6%. If not, you’re leaving free money on the table.

The money you contribute to a traditional 401(k) account is pre-tax money, 这意味着在你赚到钱的那一年里,你不会被征税(这将以税收减免的形式出现), reducing your adjusted gross income for that year). Instead, 这笔钱将进入一个投资账户,通常会随着时间的推移而增长, and you’ll pay taxes when you withdraw it during retirement. You may also have the option of choosing a Roth 401(k). Here, you’ll contribute post-tax dollars (i.e. money you’ve already paid taxes on), the money will grow tax-free and you won’t owe any taxes upon withdrawal.  2023年,美国国税局将401(k)年度缴费限额从20,500美元提高到22,500美元. 到2023年底,50岁或以上的人可以补交7500美元.

在考虑你的401(k)计划时,要记住的一件重要的事情是,这是你把钱存入的账户, not your actual investments. Once the money is in the account, 你有责任选择你的投资,并实际投资这笔钱. Your investment options can include mutual funds, target-date retirement funds, stocks, and other choices depending on your plan.

What’s a 403(b)?

A 403(b) plan is similar to a 401(k) plan, 但它提供给非营利组织的员工以及一些政府雇员. As with 401(k) plans, contributions to 403(b) plans are tax-deductible, and employers can also offer matching contributions. In addition to investing in many of the same options offered in 401(k)s, 403(b)也提供了投资年金的选择(年金提供退休后的收入来源).  直到最近,法律上的一项变化才开始将年金纳入401(k)计划. 

There are many similarities between these two account types. They have the same contribution limits (2023年为22500美元,50岁及以上的人需要补缴7500美元。). 这两种计划都要求你年满59岁半才能退出,提前退出将被处以10%的罚款. 如果你的雇主在你的计划中增加了Roth选项,这两家公司都可以提供Roth选项. 

DIY Retirement Plans

如果你没有雇主赞助的退休计划(有时即使你有), but have the ability to save more), it’s time to look at IRAs. IRA代表个人退休账户,有四种不同的类型——所有这些都属于“自主”退休计划的范畴, which is a fancy term for Doing It Yourself. All are accounts you open with a brokerage firm or other investment house, then contribute to and manage over time.

The OG is a traditional IRA. 你存入税前的钱(这会减少你调整后的总收入)——最多6美元,500 for 2023, plus another $1,000 in catch-up contributions for anyone 50 and over. Once invested, the money typically grows over time. 当你提款的时候(你可以从59岁半开始提款而不受处罚,到2023年,你必须从73岁开始提款——最终年龄将提高到75岁),你将为提款缴纳普通所得税. If you have a retirement plan at work, 如果你的收入低于73美元,你才有资格申请传统的免赔IRA,000 (singles) or $116,000 (married, filing jointly) generally not eligible for a traditional deductible IRA.  But you can always open and contribute to a non-deductible IRA.  The money will still grow tax-deferred over time. And you’ll still pay income taxes upon withdrawal.

罗斯个人退休账户基本上与传统个人退休账户相反——在税收方面:你要为收入纳税 before you make contributions to the Roth IRA, 但是你从你的收入或退休后的捐款中提取都不用交税. There is a catch. 并不是每个人(甚至是那些没有以工作为基础的退休计划的人)都有资格申请罗斯个人退休账户.  Singles need a modified adjusted gross income of under $138,000 to contribute the full amount and $153,000 to contribute anything for 2023.  If you’re married filing jointly income limits begin at $218,000 and phase out completely at $228,000.

A Word About Spousal IRAs

If you’re married and have a spouse in the workforce, 你可以为自己的退休生活做贡献——即使你自己没有通过配偶的个人退休账户赚取收入.  有了这个账户,有工作的配偶代表没有收入的配偶捐款. “如果你有配偶,并提交共同纳税申报表,这是最容易做到的事情,” said Nasrin Mazooji of Ubiquity Retirement + Savings. “You can contribute to an IRA as long as your spouse has income.” Contribution limits are the same as for traditional IRAs and Roths. 

And if you're self-employed?

单独参加401(k)计划可以让你获得雇主赞助计划的许多好处,而不必为别人工作. Even better, 供款上限相当慷慨,因为你既可以作为雇主也可以作为雇员供款,还可以补交供款. For 2023, 这个特殊账户的总缴款额为66美元,不包括50岁及以上人士的补缴缴款,000. Want to know more? The IRS details the rules here. And just like 401(k)s at many employers, there’s also a Roth option. Note: 你需要自己的企业的雇主识别号码来开设个人401(k)账户。, which you can apply for on the IRS website.


本文旨在提供财务信息,而非法律财务建议.  在做任何财务决定之前,一定要联系专业的投资专家.